2 How much CO2 do we emit per unit of production?
By how much CO2 emissions will increase in the future if the economy continues to grow depends on how much CO2 is generated during production. We can call this factor the CO2 intensity of production. It tells us, how much CO2 is, on average, emitted per unit of produced output. Taking GDP again as the measure of production, we can calculate the CO2 intensity by dividing the total CO2 emissions in each year by the value of GDP of the same year.
As you can see in the figure below, the CO2 intensity has been rising strongly from the initial decades of capitalism to the beginning of the 20th century and has then been declining again for the world as a whole since about the 1970s.
Figure 2.1: CO2 intensity.4
With the app below, you can again take a look at how this picture looks for individual countries.
Explore the data: With this app you can explore how the CO2 intensity of production has evolved over time for various countries.